Let’s just jump right into it. Extension Deadline – Tuesday,10/15/2019
Whether you drive the Maserati Alfieri, Telsa, or the BMW 740e, the IRS allows a tax credit for vehicles acquired after December 31, 2009. The credit is equal to $2,500 plus, for a vehicle which draws propulsion energy from a battery with at least 5 kilowatt hours of capacity, $417, plus an additional $417 for each kilowatt hour of battery capacity in excess of 5 kilowatt hours. The total amount of the credit allowed for a vehicle is limited to $7,500. Micro-Captive Insurance Watch out! Micro-Captive Insurance is an effective strategy to save money – if used correctly! Tax law generally allows businesses to create "captive" insurance companies to protect against certain risks. Under section 831(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, certain small insurance companies can choose to pay tax only on their investment income. However, be careful! In abusive "micro-captive" structures, promoters, accountants or wealth planners persuade owners of closely held entities to participate in schemes that lack many of the attributes of genuine insurance. Unfortunately, those individuals engaging in this abusive practice is being hunted by the IRS. First Time Home Buyers Did You Know you could use your 401(k) savings to Buy Your First Home – without an early distribution penalty? Absolutely! Call your broker to find out more details about this. If they confirm, then your next call should be me, Realtor Largie! Realtor Largie will find you a home for you and the family, asap! Entreprenuers Self-employed folks, remember Realtor Largie is also a CPA. You're in excellent hands in Largie's world :) As the last quarter of 2019 winds down, there have been some tax updates that you should know. Straight from the Service, check these updates below. TAX TIPS, 2019:
Now that we've gotten the tax reminders and home-buying stuff out the way, who's down for a Jerk Chicken dinner with Realtor Largie?
Have a GREAT day folks! |
January 2023
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